Sign up for the PARENT-L Listserv and stay connected to the pack!

The listserv offers periodic updates on topics relevant to you as parents and families and your Lobo. Think of it as your guide to UNM and a crash course on how to be a resource to your student during their weekly calls home. Okay, we know students probably don’t call- or even text- every week, but being an informed resource should convince them to call you more often, right? 

Subscribers will gain access to the monthly Parent & Family Association newsletter and periodic updates. The monthly digest-style newsletter is full of information about campus events, important deadlines, volunteer opportunities, parent tips, and more. Periodic updates through the listserv allow us to send you timely reminders about topics such as: upcoming Parent & Family Association Scholarship deadlines, registration for Fall Family Weekend, and annual Board Elections. Subscribers can expect to receive communication from us about 2-4 times per month between the monthly newsletter and periodic updates. Unsure if email updates are for you? Check out a sample of the newsletter below. 

Click Here to Download Our January '24 Newsletter


Sign up below for updates from the Office of Parents & Families and the Parent & Family Association!