Ticket sales for Fall Family Weekend 2024 are Closed.
What is Fall Family Weekend?
Fall Family Weekend is the Parent & Family Association's annual flagship program to celebrate the support and connection between Lobos and their loved ones. We bring families together for a weekend of events designed to foster connections and create space for the Pack to spend time as one. Fall Family Weekend includes our Friday Reception - complete with food and beverages, entertainment, and opportunities to meet University leadership and the PFA Board of Directors! The next day, we gather for a low-key tailgate experience during the University's Homecoming Game where we cheer on the Lobos and welcome a new Homecoming Court.
Interested in attending Fall Family Weekend next year? Get ready to howl by learning more about the event.
It can change year-to-year! In the past, we’ve hosted a Friday Reception at the University Club, Saturday’s Homecoming Tailgate at the Howl Zone, and other events such as historical and museum tours. It’s important to look out for updates in our newsletter and on this event page for the full details on upcoming Fall Family Weekends.
Tickets for Fall Family Weekend range from about $15-$35. It all depends on the events you’d like to participate in!
In order to keep prices and costs down (we know how much a hotel during Balloon Fiesta can cost - believe us), we have opted to schedule Fall Family Weekend during a different peak event. Homecoming really shows off our UNM pride and is a great time to be in Albuquerque. We're biased, but Fall is the best time of year in New Mexico and we can't wait to share it with you!
Through community partnerships, we do our best to make sure Fall Family Weekend is affordable for all Lobo families. Check our event page for information. UNM has also compiled a list of hotels in the area that take UNM rates.